Sugar prices ruled flat for fifth consecutive day as demand matched supply and activities remained routine. Continuous selling by producers and ample stocks at the Vashi wholesale market kept stockists away from fresh bets. On the Bombay Sugar Merchants Association prices were up ₹18 at the lower end and down ₹9 at the higher side for S-grade. M-grade was unchanged. Naka and mill tender rates were steady. Freight rates were steady.

Arrivals were at 61-62 truckloads and local dispatches were 58-60 loads. On Thursday, hardly 9-10 mills offered tenders and sold about 18,000-20,000 bags at ₹2,360-2,500 (2,360-2,500) for S-grade and ₹2,520-2,600 (2,520-2,600) for M-grade.

The BSMA spot rates: S-grade ₹2,500-71 (2,482-2,580) and M-grade ₹2,582-2,712 (2,582-2,712). Naka delivery rates: S-grade ₹2,410-2,520 (2,410-2,520) and M-grade ₹2,540-2,650 (2,540-2,650).