Riding on higher imports and weak arrival, both pulses and pulse seeds prices in Indore mandis are hitting through the roof for the past few days. Amid declining arrival and higher demand, masur has been rallying high with masur (bold) today rising to ₹5,900-6,000 a quintal, while masur (Madhya Pradesh) was ₹5,300-5,500. Masur dal (medium) ruled at ₹6,450-6,650, while masur dal (bold) was quoted at ₹6,850-7,050.

Moong and urad have also been witnessing bullish trend on declining arrival and robust demand. In the past three days, moong (best quality) has gained ₹500 to ₹7,800-8,000, while moong (medium) ruled at ₹7,200-7,500. Given acute decline in domestic crop output, dependency on imported crop, bullish trend in moong and other pulse seeds will likely to continue in the coming days till new crop hits local mandis, said Sanjay Agrawal, a local pulse trader. Moong dal (medium) in Indore mandis was at ₹8,700-8,900, moong dal (bold) at ₹9,000-9,200, while moong mongar ruled at ₹9,600-9,800.

Urad (best) was quoted at ₹4,500-5,000 (up ₹300 in the past two days), while urad (medium) rose to ₹4,400-4,600 (up ₹600 in the past three days). Urad dal (medium) was at ₹5,400-5,600, urad dal (bold) at ₹5,700-5,800, while urad mongar ruled at ₹6,500-6,700.