Walking not only helps one in keeping fit, but is also considered the most effective anti-depressant, as over 90 per cent walkers feel that it helped them experience improvement in their mental and emotional well-being, a report said on Friday.

About 97 per cent of those who walk regularly experience improvement in their mental and emotional health, according to the Max Bupa Walk for Health Survey.

The survey is a study on walking behaviour of millennials and the elderly carried across four cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Jaipur.

The survey also revealed that walking helps control stress among people across age groups.

While 42 per cent of the elderly feel that walking helps beat stress, 50 per cent of the millennials experience reduction of stress and hypertension, after walking, it added. This is the highest for millennials in Bengaluru, at 68 per cent, followed by Delhi (66 per cent), Mumbai (53 per cent) and Jaipur (48 per cent).

Interestingly, over 40 per cent of the respondents are motivated to walk because of walking apps and gadgets that help them track their health, it said. About 60 per cent of the respondents use gadgets while walking, it added.

Usage of gadgets is more prominent amongst millennials in Delhi (70 per cent) and Mumbai (72 per cent).

Health impact

The Survey further said those who don’t walk regularly are more prone to depression: nearly 15 per cent of non-walkers admitted to be suffering from depression and high stress levels.

Walking gives 19 per cent millennials time for self-introspection; it gives 21 per cent elderly a feeling of self-reliance.