april 1, 1995

Pushing India to go global

Rather than limiting itself to the task of export promotion, as was the case in the past, the amendments to the Export-Import policy, announced to by the Commerce Minister, Mr. P. Chidambaram today, aim at boosting the domestic sector to make India a major player in the global market. The Exim Policy is being creatively used to boost domestic production, the Minister remarked, as he disclosed that the ‘deemed exports’ category is being enlarged to include supplies made by EPCG license holders and projects in the power, oil and gas sectors. The Ministry of Finance will identify the projects eligible for concessional supplies. This facility is meant for mega projects only.

Telco will develop small car on its own: CS First Boston

Contrary to many news reports on another possible collaboration with Daimler-Benz to develop and make small family cars, we expect Telco to go about it on its own,” notes CS First Boston in a report on the Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company. CS First Boston believes it is “essential” for Telco to enter the small car segment for many reasons. First, the huge market, with the increasing purchasing power of the middle class. Two, the need for Telco to diversify its car line.

Siemens mobile communication network for Bombay

The Germany-based Siemens AG is setting up a digital mobile communication network on the basis of the international GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) in Bombay. The order has been commissioned by the Bangalore-based BPL Systems and Projects Ltd, which has been licensed to offer a cellular phone service in Bombay. The network has been initially designed for a capacity of 48,000 subscribers.