Two years ago, the Consumer Price Index was 4592. Now it is around 5,500. The income tax exemption limit increase just covers the inflation amount. Not restoring standard deduction is an injustice to the salaried class as business expenses are permitted to be deducted in the case of businessmen. The Government should either re-introduce standard deduction or allow legitimate expenses to be deducted from the salary income.

The Finance Minister should have announced an amnesty scheme to black money holders to induce them to bring back unaccounted money. Moreover, it is not those who work, earn and invest and indirectly contribute to the society’s well-being who should be taxed. The Government should tax those who consume and get benefits from society . An expenditure tax will serve this purpose better than income tax or surcharge.

Increased defence allocation does not result in better defence preparedness. Defence funds are a source of unaccounted money for politicians, political parties and some influential middlemen. This Budget is only a jugglery of numbers.

S Raghunatha Prabhu

Alappuzha, Kerala

There is a lot for sports buffs to cheer with the proposal for a sports university in Manipur and ₹200 crore for Jammu and Kashmir. The Sports Authority of India (SAI) and the National Sports Federations will receive much heftier grants now. One hopes Jaitley’s enthusiasm rubs off on India’s budding talents.

NJ Ravi Chander


There were apprehensions about the maintenance of confidentiality of information and rumours flew thick that the UIDAI project would be scrapped by the NDA government, but this has been belied with ₹2,000 crore being allocated in the Budget.The concerned authorities must make concerted efforts to maintain secrecy regarding information pertaining to Aadhaar card-holders.

HP Murali


It is not quality versus quantity. It is quality and quantity. There is a misconception that quality gets diluted with quantity. Even the first batch of IITs and IIMs faced problems, but solutions were found.

D Suresh


They aim to please

This refers to the editorial, “The Big Bang theory” (July 11). For those who looked at it realistically, it was a laboured “please-all” budget, lacking in originality and was almost like a rehash of the UPA budgets. Jaitley pulled off a balancing act between conflicting class interests, evident in the fact that no one was bitterly disappointed or overly elated. How the Government, that hopes to boost the economy through FDI and PPPs, is going to ensure that the global economic slowdown does not dampen the ‘process’ remains to be seen.

Clearly, this is just an average sort of budget as it is bereft of any new ideas to control rising prices and inflation, and reduce the price burden and give primacy to healthcare, education and rural development. Naming welfare measures after the BJP’s political icons and the allocation of ₹200 crore for the 182 metre-tall Statue of Unity are indicative of the changed political complexion of the country.

G David Milton

Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu

There wasn’t much leg room for manoeuvring but Jaitley tried to present a balanced budget that gives hope and direction with a long-term perspective. . Overall, it is people friendly and industry circles are pleased with the new initiatives. Staying optimistic and ensuring fiscal and financial prudence is needed.

Srinivasan Umashankar


No Budget can please all. Not touching MGNREGA and other schemes proves there was no vendetta against the last government. Setting up 100 smart cities is a fabulous idea which will have a multiplier effect on various industries like cement, steel, paint , hardware and so on. How to achieve the high tax collection target and keep deficit target at 4.1 per cent are the challenges.

Bal Govind
