In an uneven and narrow

Misty alley

That belonged nowhere

I saw a turn

Behind which I was sure

I would find





Two white coloured clanking cups

Filled with a sweet concoction

Of steaming Irani chai



The faded blue wooden door

Still creaking under a pointed arch



Wandering gold and ivory threads

From the intricately embroidered elephants

On your pashmina, that I had borrowed

On a particularly cold winter evening

And never returned



Words from Rumi and Hafiz

That you read in one tongue

And I in another



The fragrance of musk

That my body had learnt

To associate with yours

Spaces between fingers


That were not for a moment

Left empty




That had travelled

From light years away

Only to reside in your eyes



That turned too quickly into years


That turned too quickly into space

And distance

I thought I would never be able to cover



But here I was

In an uneven and narrow

Misty alley

Just a turn away

From where I was sure

I would find you

But I never took it

Because, what if

I was wrong?



Mahek Jangda


Mahek Jangda’s debut novel Against The Wind will be published by Hachette India