Great guns

1 Wallace Hartley, Theodore Ronald Brailey, Bricoux, John Frederick Preston Clarke, John Law Hume, Georges Alexandre Krins, Percy Cornelius Taylor and John Wesley Woodward did something amazingly brave on the night of April 14, 1912. Who were they, and why will they be remembered?

2 On April 8, 1929, two men threw bombs inside the Central Legislative Assembly in Delhi and distributed pamphlets against the Defence of India Act, knowing full well that they would be arrested and possibly executed. One of them was Bhagat Singh. Name the other.

3 The PDSA Dickin Medal, instituted in the United Kingdom, is a bronze medallion bearing the words “For Gallantry” and “We Also Serve” within a laurel wreath. White Vision, Winkie and Tyke were the first recipients of the medal on December 2, 1943. Who are the recipients of this award?

4Virus is a 2019 Malayalam film based on the incredible sacrifice of 28-year-old Lini Puthussery, a nurse who lost her life while on duty during a deadly virus outbreak in Kerala in 2018. Which virus did she die battling?

5 Which famous 17th-18th century author was also remembered for his political pamphlets and was imprisoned, fined and pilloried for refusing to bow to the government of the time?

6 During the Kargil War in 1999, two of the four Param Vir Chakras, India’s highest military honour, were awarded to two soldiers from the Jammu and Kashmir Rifles for separate engagements on July 5. One of them was Rifleman Sanjay Kumar. The other was awarded the PVC posthumously. Name him.

7 What did Rosa Parks refuse to do at Montgomery, Alabama, on December 1, 1955?

8 Who wrote a famous poem immortalising the events of October 25, 1854, near a Russian Black Sea Port?

9 Which Queen of Gondwana lost her life leading her troops against a Mughal satrap during the Battle of Narrai in 1564? Her martyrdom day is commemorated as ‘Balidan Day’.

10 What is believed to have started with an attack of 100 Japanese Dive Bombers led by Rear Admiral Masafumi Arima against the American aircraft carrier, USS Franklin, at Leyte Gulf?


1 They were the band who played to the very end on board the Titanic, to keep the passengers calm and help prevent a stampede for the lifeboats. They all lost their lives.

2 Batukeshwar Dutt.

3 It is awarded to animals that have displayed ‘conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty’, also known as the Victoria Cross for animals.

4 The Nipah virus outbreak.

5 Daniel Defoe, the writer of classics such as Robinson Crusoe .

6 Captain Vikram Batra.

7 She refused to give her seat to a white man. It was one of the rallying points of the American Civil Rights Movement.

8 Alfred, Lord Tennyson, wrote The Charge of the Light Brigade about a heroic charge in the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War.

9 Rani Durgavati.

10 It is regarded as the first ‘official’ Kamikaze attack, where the Japanese pilots would deliberately crash their bomb-loaded planes into American ships. Arima lost his life in the attack and was posthumously promoted to Vice Admiral.


Joy Bhattacharjya


Joy Bhattacharjya is a quizmaster;

Twitter: @joybhattacharj