Perhaps not since Bertie Wooster wrote his ‘magnum opus’ on what the well-dressed gentleman is wearing, in his Aunt Dahlia’s newsweekly ‘Milady’s Boudoir’, giving the famous Wodehousian character grist for his infinite boast about his literary acumen, has the aspect of what a person is wearing come as much to the fore as when Justice PB Bhajantri of Patna High Court took a Bihari IAS officer to task for his “poor sartorial choice”.

The exchange between them has provided millions some merriment through a now-famous video. While many enjoyed the man-in-the-dock's tongue-tied discomfiture, the popular opinion has been against the judge. Bhajantri apparently believes there is a ‘dress code’ for courtroom appearance by government officers, which, in his opinion, includes wearing a coat.

Such instances, Bar & Bench points out, have happened before, too. In August 2017, the Himachal Pradesh High Court took exception to a lady government official appearing before it in a multi-coloured checked shirt and jeans, which Judges Tarlok Singh Chauhan and Ajay Mohan Goel believed lowered the majesty of law.