Old party, new image

What’s with Rahul Gandhi and his re-branding?

New Delhi

Rohit, Rahul Gandhi (in the absence of Priyanka Gandhi) is the Congress party’s great big hope. The relaunch of brand Rahul began at the Ram Leela grounds recently and moved on into Parliament with his ‘suit-boot ki government’ address.

After the debacle a year ago at the hustings, the Congress party has suffered heavily. But this is a grand old party with a grand old heritage of ups and downs. The Gandhi name has always been associated with Congress’ revival time and again.

The recent Parliament address had members excited. If you read the body language all across the Congress MPs in parliament, it was one of hope. It was all about looking forward to Rahul taking charge and Rahul leading from the front and not from the back room as before.

The revival of Brand Rahul is all about Rahul taking a stance. Taking a stance boldly and standing by it through thick and thin. It is all about projecting Rahul Gandhi as a 24 x 7 politician and a leader by choice and not by reluctance. This will help galvanise Rahul’s forces within the Congress.

The relaunch of Rahul will require acute polarisation between the BJP and the Congress. The Congress has discovered that sweet spot of opportunity in the Land Bill. Rahul will, therefore, try to gain brownie points among the have-nots and attempt to portray Modi and his party as a party of the haves and for the haves. This is an opportunity at hand. And that’s what we are witnessing.

After the recent Maggi episode, what is the liability of the quick service restaurant (QSR) sector? Are there investigations here as well?


Rohini, the QSR is the service avatar of packaged foods. As packaged foods companies get under the scanner after the Maggi episode, QSRs need to rectify themselves in every way. Starbucks in India has already announced an ingredient re-jig. You can expect more from every QSR in the days to come as this is a dicey area which has not had too much of public scrutiny. A packaged food item has at least declarations on it, whereas a QSR has none, to an extent. Consumers do have a right to know what they are eating and drinking and this movement is all about that. QSRs will want you to franchise them with your full understanding that they pass the health test. Expect a lot of internal audit on quality and acceptability in the days to come to fulfil this purpose.

Maggi pulled the celebrity into public debate. How is it panning out?


Mohita, the Maggi issue has really brought this issue to the fore. Celebrity-caution is a reality of the day in India as well now. In developed markets such as the US and Europe, celebrity liability is clearly defined, and therefore celebrity-caution has been a reality for a while. Celebrities employ third parties to conduct due diligence on brands, companies and their promoters before signing up assignments. This is happening in India today as well, after the Maggi speed bump.

As celebrities get more involved with brands, they put more of their skin in the business. This is helpful to brands. When a brand endorser is seen to be part of the brand effort, the brand benefits.

To the celebrity, brand-endorsement is no longer a hit-and-run game, it is a longer involvement with his credibility linked to brand credibility. His positive aura rubs off on the brand, just as the positive or negative aura of the brand in question gives him a rub-off.

Caution is the buzzword in celebrity corridors today.