Marg Ltd, a Chennai-based integrated infrastructure company plans to launch a ‘Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas' project in Karaikal.

The company won the Rs 93-crore public private partnership project of the Ministry of Rural Development of the Government of India through competitive bidding.

The PURA projects envisage provision of basic urban services and facilities in rural areas. Karaikal, a part of the Union Territory of Pondicherry, is among the first of these projects to be launched. Marg will develop multi-dimensional projects and social inclusion programmes to generate jobs and provide basic amenities in eight village panchayats with an estimated population of 31,000 spread across 29.3 sq km in the district.

The project provides for training over 4,000 individuals to enable employment in industries, income boosting initiatives to double the per capita income, creation of sanitation facilities, village streets, water supply system, rainwater harvesting, watershed projects, agricultural focused activities and non-conventional energy solutions.

In addition to the of Central and State Governments, technical assistance from the Asian development Bank (ADB), the company has partnered with National Agro Foundation (NAF), public charitable trust founded the Late C. Subramaniam, an architect of India's green revolution.

MARG has the mandate to develop one more project at Lathur Block, Kancheepuram district (Tamil Nadu) encompassing a cluster of 11 villages covering an area of 123 sq km at an estimated cost of Rs 100 crores.