Having a Hollywood star say of you that “that man has such a sexy, deep voice,” can be thrilling, but wait, it could be your friend's ‘idea' to play a prank on you.

Idea Cellular recently introduced a new value-added service (VAS) application – Magic Voice – for its subscribers in Tamil Nadu and Chennai.

This will allow mobile users to change their voice and talk to someone in nine different ways, like a woman, man, kid or more.

The application modulates the original voice to the desired character's while connecting with the receiver.

“We will very soon be expanding the portfolio of voices and other elements under this application to provide variety,” said Mr M. Srinivas, Circle Head, Tamil Nadu & Chennai, Idea Cellular.

This facility cannot be misused as the phone numbers are anyway recorded and traceable.

The company also intends to take this service pan-India very soon, targeted predominantly at youth.

The youth segment makes up more than 30 per cent of the mobile handset market in India and seeks entertainment through it.

Estimated at Rs 12,000 crore, the mobile VAS market in India currently contributes a substantial portion of any service provider's topline. About 50 per cent of this is driven by SMS (short messaging service) applications.

According to a study by Assocham, high-speed data services such as mobile TV and video calls, now nascent, are going to be the main contributors to this growth.

> rravikumar@thehindu.co.in