The strike by a section of employees at Hyundai Motor India’s manufacturing facility near here continued for the ninth day on Wednesday, even as the Korean auto-maker said production continued to be normal.

The employees owing allegiance to Hyundai Motor India Employees Union, backed by CITU, have been on strike since October 30 near the company’s plant in Sriperumbudur pressing various demands, including reinstatement of 28 of their colleagues sacked in 2008.

In a statement, Hyundai Motor India said, “There is no change in Tuesday’s status on Wednesday”.

Stating that percentage of employees’ absenteeism continued to “fall marginally”, the company said, “Production continues to be normal“.

To a question about state government’s intervention to solve the issue amicably, a union representative said they were waiting for a positive feedback. “We are still waiting for their response,” he added.

Yesterday, a Union representative had said the state government would intervene to solve the issue amicably.

The agitating workers are also demanding recognition of their union by the management.

However, Hyundai Motor India clarified that it was “firm on its stance” of not recognising a politically-backed union and would adhere to the terms of the unanimous tri-partite settlement arrived in December, 2010.