A good leader or a manager commands respect and not demands, said Mr G. Ramanathan, General Manager (Financial Inclusion), Syndicate Bank.

Delivering a lecture on “Career: Opportunities and challenges” organised by the Business Line Club and sponsored by Syndicate Bank for the students of MATS Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, Mr Ramanathan said that a leader develops followers and not subordinates.

Sharing from his experience, Mr Ramanathan, advised students to be passionate about their job. “My passion for the job is my strength and not for a single moment I have disliked what I am doing,” he said.

Mr Ramanathan remarked that leadership is a process of social influence in which one person can aid and enlist support of others in the accomplishment of a common task, “A leader creates a vision, articulates it and drives it to a logical conclusion,” he said.

Sharing examples, he explained about the traits of a leader.

“A leader is honest, forward-looking, competent, inspiring, and intelligent, and he communicates well with others, plans and sets an example. People respect your intelligence and hence, you must be willing to put in extra hours of work,” he told students.

He also noted that communication was very important to be a leader and it must reach other persons.

“Knowledge comes through education, experience, observation and so on. Knowledge empowers a person and provides him the strength to face any challenge in life. Skill is nothing but applied knowledge,” he said.

He also provided information on financial inclusion and said, “Financial inclusion means basic ‘no frills' bank account for receiving payments, savings as well as deposits.

It is also about small loan or overdraft facilities, money transfer facilities, insurance both life and non-life services, and also access to financial advisory services for these weak and vulnerable sections of society,” Mr Ramanathan said.

He spoke about SyndYuva and SyndVidya, the products launched by Syndicate Bank for the youth and said that it is the belief of the bank that no student should be deprived of education because of lack of finance.

Syndicate Bank was in the forefront in disbursing loans to students who are pursuing their higher education, Mr Ramanathan added.

Assistant Dean of MATS Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Mr G. Lakshman, welcomed the gathering. Dean Mr. N. V. H. Krishnan was also present.