The ‘Action Plan for Industrial Cluster' prepared by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) last year has been flayed by the BJP for being biased.

The plan hinted at various control measures proposed to be implemented for tackling pollution in and around the city.

The MPCB had proposed a time-bound and comprehensive action plan to deal with the problems of pollution after its assessment of the gravity of air, water and land pollution in the district.

Critics say that the most surprising aspect of the plan is that it considered Ballarpur as the critical area of pollution, ignoring Chandrapur. The district has Chandrapur Super Thermal Power Station, over 20 open cast coal mines of Western Coalfields Ltd (WCL), steel and sponge iron manufacturing units, in its vicinity.

The plan further envisages remedial measures involving crores of rupees by industrial units to bring down the pollution level under the permissible limit.