Producers and traders who operated through the Coonoor Tea Trade Association this week managed the same turnover as the previous week, despite the volumes sold being lower, due to increased prices.

This week, the volumes sold dropped to 7.85 lakh kg from 8.01 lakh kg last week. The volume of 8.76 lakh kg that was offered was the lowest so far this year. This low offering helped in higher prices . On an average, every kg sold this week fetched Rs 77.56 against Rs 76.10 last week.

Consequently, the overall earnings stood at Rs 6.09 crore, just a tad less than the Rs 6.10 crore fetched in the previous week.

In real terms, however, the earnings have posted a decline for the third consecutive week. The earnings, which totalled Rs 7.51 crore on March 30, dropped to Rs 6.24 crore the following week and further to Rs 6.10 cr and Rs 6.09 cr in the next two weeks.