The Association of Planters of Kerala has raised serious concern over the continuous fall in tea prices at the Kochi tea auction.

The planters’ body has urged the Kerala Government to encourage State Civil Supplies Corporation (Supplyco) to purchase a minimum one lakh kg per week of teas produced in Kerala from the Kochi auction market.

It has cited the geo-political instability in the traditional markets of South India teas like West Asia, CIS and some South Asian countries and the glut of cheaper Kenyan teas in the world market as the immediate reason for the price decline.

Meanwhile, tea prices declined at the Kochi auction this week amid subdued upcountry demand and low arrivals for dust varieties.

Of the quantity of 12,12,000 kg on offer in CTC dust, the market for Good Liquoring and popular marks was steady to firm and sometimes dearer. Others were irregular and lower by ₹2 to ₹3 and occasionally more.

In sale no 47, there was good demand for Good Liquoring Teas with 82 per cent sold. However, the demand was fair for other varieties. Improved export enquiry was seen for on Grainier varieties, auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.

For Orthodox grades, the demand was less on low arrivals and the quantity on offer was 11,500 kg. Though the market for primary grades remained steady, others were lower with a lot of withdrawals.

In Cochin CTC quotation, Good varieties fetched ₹97-146, medium grades quoted ₹64-95 while Plain stood at ₹53-60.

In the Orthodox leaf, the market for Nilgiri varieties was firm to dearer with longer margins of ₹5 to ₹10 and sometimes more following quality. Whole Leaf showed strong feature and recorded some attractive prices. The quantity on offer was 160,500 kg.

Of the quantity 75,000 kg on offer in CTC leaf, the market for Good Liquoring Bolder Brokens and Fannings was firm to dearer.

In CTC dust, Monica SFD quoted the best prices of ₹147 followed by Monica FD at ₹136. In leaf grades, Chamraj Green Tea FOP (Sup) fetched ₹287 followed by Pascos Woodlands Hyson Green Tea at ₹286.