A fledgling project to grow strawberry commercially in the lower regions of the Sahyadris might just find itself nipped in the bud, as unseasonal rains in Maharashtra have washed away prospects of good returns for these cultivators for the second year in a row.

Around three years ago, farmers from talukas such as Wai, Koregoan and Jaoli had been inspired enough by the success of strawberry cultivation in the nearby hill towns of Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani, to try their hand at it.

Today, an estimated 700 acres of land in these areas is devoted to cultivating the luscious, red, winter fruit.

The figure in and around Mahabaleshwar is 2,500 acres, which produced 24,000 tonnes of strawberry last year.

But rains in early December destroyed half the expected yield in the State and have hit harder those who have entered the fray more recently.

“The prospect of better profits from this crop, especially since fruiting happens a couple of weeks ahead of that in Mahabaleshwar was what lured farmers from here to opt for strawberry,” says Umesh Khamkar, a grower from Wai.

But with inclement weather bringing two consecutive bad years, the land under its cultivation is poised to drop, and farmers will opt for other crops, he says.

Krishna Bhilare, a grower from Mahabaleshwar and Vice-President of the Strawberry Growers Association says: “Though more area has come under cultivation compared to last year, rains in early December have destroyed almost 50 per cent of the crop.”

He estimates this season’s production in the hill towns will be a mere 15,000 tonnes.

Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani collectively account nearly 70 per cent of the total cultivation in the country.

The rest comes from Wai, Koregoan, Jaoli and some parts of Nashik in Maharashtra and some parts of Himachal Pradesh.

For growers, the only silver lining is the higher price strawberry is fetching.

While the beginning of the season – which stretches from November to March – had seen prices touching Rs 130 a kg, the shortage has led to prices now touching Rs 225-250.