The Covid-19 vaccination will help in lowering death and avoiding hospitalisation if data in the public domain from agencies such as Johns Hopkins University are to be believed. The data showsevere Covid-19 cases have been falling fast, especially among the elders in countries such as the US, UK and Chile, where vaccination has been going on at a rapid pace.

Consider this data. In the UK, hospital admissions were at around 100 per cent (hospital or ICU load a percentage of winter peak) in December 2020 when the first dose was given to 50 per cent of those above 80. The number came down sharply to less than 5 per cent among those above 85 in April. Similarly, it reduced to around 7 per cent among the age group of 18 and 64.

Trend in US

In the US, it was a similar trend. When the first dose was given to 10 per cent of elderly in November-end, hospitalisations for those 85 were around 100 per cent, but declined sharply to just above 10 per cent in April. However, for persons in the age group of 18 and 49, it is around 50 per cent, the data said.

In Chile, there is a wide gap between the elders and youngsters. Vaccination began in January, and for those above the age of 70 who got the jabs, the need for hospitalisation was down by 80 per cent, according to data.

However, in India, which is at the peak of the second wave, the pace of vaccination has been slow, and this is a worrying factor, considering the huge increase in the number of Coronavirus cases in the last few days.

“Data from five countries facing very different rates of infections; hospitalisation and death- lower among older, most vaccinated age groups compared to young aged with least vaccinated. Believe in vaccines. Don’t spread rumours,” said P Manickam of ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology, in a tweet.

Prabhdeep Kaur, ICMR scientist, tweeted: “Consistent evidence from all countries that vaccination reduces infections, hospitalisations and deaths! Spread the word to increase vaccine acceptance. Covid vaccines give us hope, optimism and a way out of this pandemic.”