The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in trade and services between India and the 10-member Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean) is expected to be signed in calendar 2013, a senior official in the Ministry of External Affairs said on Monday.

“All issues covering the free trade agreement in trade and services investments have been sorted out. The legal study has been completed. There were certain observations by the Philippines and Thailand, which have been addressed. Now, the respective countries are taking their internal approvals. We believe the signing will take place in calendar year 2013. This depends on internal procedures in member countries. But we are optimistic (it will be) this year,” Secretary, East, Ashok Kantha, said.

Kantha was briefing newspersons on the forthcoming visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Brunei for the XIth India-Asean Summit and the 8th East Asia Summit and the bilateral visit to Indonesia, which begins on October 9.

He said Singh would also meet the newly-elected Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on the sidelines of the summit meetings. On the issue of sale of Australian uranium to India, Kantha said the third round of negotiations between the two countries could take place in December.

“There is a firm desire on both sides to try and bring these negotiations to a successful conclusion at an early date,” he said.