India Inc has managed to achieve annual recurring energy saving of over Rs 3,800 crore through various energy saving measures, according to CII.

During the National Award for Excellence in Energy Management 2016, Meher Pudumjee, Chairperson, Energy Efficiency Summit 2016, said CII received over 260 filled-in questionnaires.

These companies, as a result of implementing over 8,735 projects, have achieved annual recurring energy saving of over Rs 3,800 crore equivalent to saving of 322 MW per annum.

“This indeed is a significant achievement of Indian industry and CII would continue to work with all the stakeholders in further accelerating EnCon movement in the Country,” Pudumjee said.

Providing a major impetus to the national Energy Conservation (EnCon) movement, Shobana Kamineni, President-Designate, CII, presented over 140 Indian companies with the National Award for Excellence in Energy Management 2016.

Companies were awarded for setting new standards and benchmarks in energy management and also for developing innovative and futuristic energy management technologies with high replication potential.

Over the last two days, companies across various sectors, including paper, power, cement, building, metal, auto and engineering, chemical, pharma and fertiliser, have shared their strategies, best practices, success stories on energy management and how it has resulted in conservation of resources and enhanced bottom-line.

The two-day event provided a platform to learn and share best practices on energy management.

Shobana Kamineni said energy management is one of the key focus areas of CII’s ‘India @ 75’ agenda. Focusing on various aspects energy management will indeed go a long way in facilitating India become a developed country by 2022.