Job offers to students of Indian School of Business decreased by seven per cent this year compared to last year.

This was despite increase in number of companies which participated in the campus recruitment programme.

For the 575-stong class of 2011, which completed course last month bagged 631 offers from 348 companies this year, according to placement results announced recently.

During the last year, 310 companies rolled out 661 offers for the Class 2011 which had 569 students.

maximum numbers

The consulting and IT companies offered the maximum of number of jobs this year as about 30 per cent of a total offers came from these companies.

The 528 participating students got offers from 348 domestic and international companies.

“It is heartening to witness the diversity of companies participating in the process that demonstrates their confidence in the ISB and its students,” Mr Deepak Chandra, Deputy Dean, ISB, said in a release.

In the class, 46 students opted out of the placement process to join their previous employers, return to their family businesses, start their own ventures, etc.

About five per cent of the class is in various stages of the rolling placements process that will conclude by the end of May.

International companies such as Apple, Astra Zeneca, Bloomberg, GE and Goldman Sachs made 92 offers as against 83 in the previous year.

Offers from companies involved in e-commerce and digital space were also quite noticeable this year.

While not announcing the exact numbers on remuneration, ISB said average outgoing cost-to-the company for the class was 2.1 times the average incoming salary.

Mid 80 per cent median CTC had gone up by eight per cent over last year.
