Unseasonal weather conditions like cyclones in some areas in November and work at various airports including Mumbai saw domestic airlines report a very low On-Time Performance (OTP) for their flights even as the number of passengers flown by them recorded a growth of 11 per cent in November this year as compared to the same period last year.

Domestic airlines flew 1.29 crore passengers in November this year as against the 1.16 crore flown during the same period previously. The data shows that India is recording double-digit growth again after a few months of single-digit growth recorded earlier this year. GoAir reported the best On-Time Performance (OTP) at 67.6 per cent, followed by Vistara 67.4 per cent, AirAsia 66.7 per cent, IndiGo 66.2 per cent and Air India 42 per cent at the four metro airports in Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bengaluru.

OTP is a good indicator of whether an airline is operating its flights on time. OTP is determined by recording the time of chocks off, in case of departure and chocks on in case of arrival. If the actual departure or arrival time is up to 15 minutes of the scheduled time, the flight is considered on time.

The OTP is calculated at the four metro airports as they have incorporated the technology to capture the data. IndiGo retained its pole position having carried 61.51 lakh of the 1.29 crore passengers flying in domestic airlines in November, while SpiceJet was at the second position carrying 20.80 lakh, followed by GoAir (14.22 lakh). AirAsia flew 8.78 lakh passengers, while Vistara carried 7.60 lakh passengers.

Passenger load factor

SpiceJet reported the best passenger load factor (PLF) among Indian carriers at 92.8 per cent, followed by GoAir (92.7 per cent), IndiGo (91.4 per cent) and AirAsia (87.2 per cent). PLF shows how many of the total seats on offer by each airline are getting filled.

The industry paid ₹3.43 crore in compensation to over 3,00,00 passengers affected by delays, including paying over ₹1.99 crore to more than 2,00,000 passengers who were affected by the delays.