The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways has entrusted IIT Madras (Chennai) to work out the technical specifications of sustainable floating structures like floating jetties, water-aerodromes, floating marinas, fish landing facilities so that precise and stringent technical specifications are established.

As floating structures can be built in much shorter time and at a lower cost than conventional structures, the Ministry is evolving benchmark and standard specification at par with international standards for floating structures.

Usually, floating structures can be built in six-eight months as compared to 24 months for conventional structures. Its environmental impact is minimal. It is easily transportable in case of reconfiguring of the port.

According to a statement, the Ministry has successfully implemented a few pilot projects in the recent past by following the international guiding principles. These include setting up of passenger floating jetties in Goa, water-aerodromes at Sabarmati River and at Sardar Sarovar Dam (for the seaplane services) which are yielding good results.

More than 80 similar projects of the Ministry are under planning stage all along the coastline for overall development and upliftment of the coastal community.

Meanwhile, the Ministry has compiled the draft guidelines for technical specifications of floating structures, with a vision to set up and deploy world-class floating infrastructure all along the coastline and invited comments on the same.