In a strong defence of her Government's numerous welfare measures, the Chief Minister, Ms Jayalalithaa, on Monday said “it is the duty of the welfare government to provide commodities free of cost to the poor.”

Delivering the Independence Day address for the 11th time from the ramparts of Fort St. George here, Ms Jayalalithaa, who took office three months ago, said people of all classes becoming self-sufficient for all their needs was the ideal economic situation. Keeping this goal in mind, the Government was making available certain commodities free of cost to enable people fulfil their needs.

“We do not want to denigrate as freebies what is given to the people at no cost,” she told the gathering, which included her Cabinet colleagues, her party Members of Parliament and senior government officers. It was against this backdrop that she ordered, on her first day in office, that rice under the public distribution system be given free of cost.

In her 20-minute-long speech, the Chief Minister said her Government was conscious of the fact that all-inclusive economic growth would not only eliminate poverty but also facilitate the fruits of the growth to reach all sections. By implementing schemes that would accomplish economic transformation of the poor, the Government was taking steps to free them from the clutches of poverty.

Giving an account of her government's measures such as free distribution of mixies, wet grinders and fans and the enhancement of pension for beneficiaries under a host of social security schemes, Ms Jayalalithaa referred to the free distribution of dhoties and sarees on the occasion of the Pongal festival and said “instead of looking at this scheme as a freebie, it should be viewed as a scheme to benefit the poor and increase employment [opportunities] for weavers of handlooms and power looms.”

She also explained that her Government did not regard the provision of essential commodities as a permanent solution. “It is the intention of my government to ensure that people do not depend on the government always for their needs but they should stand on their own and improve their economic condition.” In this context, she mentioned the schemes of distribution of 28 lakh goats and 60,000 milch cows to the poor.

Turning her speech to the subject of infrastructure development, the Chief Minister said her Government would carry out schemes for infrastructure creation which could attract huge investment from entrepreneurs. It had also drawn up special projects for agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries. Coming down heavily on the previous regime, Ms Jayalalithaa said people of the State were now having the feeling of freedom again after the end of the “five-year tyrannical family rule” and the emergence of the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's “people rule.” In the last five years, the disruption of law and order was the biggest problem. “The previous rulers converted Tamil Nadu from an oasis of peace into a jungle of turbulence.” Her Government was attaching top priority to the restoration of law and order and the improvement of administration.