As Trinamool Congress on Friday appeared all set for the victory in West Bengal Assembly polls, jubilation erupted at Trinamool Congress chief, Ms Mamata Banerjee’s, modest residence here, while gloom descended on the CPI(M) headquarters where Chief Minister, Mr Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, was closeted with party leaders.

Trinamool Congress workers and supporters sang, danced and smeared each other with green gulal to the shouts of the ’Ma, Mati, Manush’ slogan coined by the TC supremo and waved party flags before Ms Banerjee’s Harish Chatterjee Street residence.

Sweets were handed out and conches were blown as the area wore a festive look. Security men had a tough time, but there was no disorderliness.

Many women party supporters were seen wearing saris printed with the party’s symbol ‘Jora ghasphool’ (grass and flowers).

This picture of jubilation was witnessed earlier in 2009 when the Trinamool Congress won 19 Lok Sabha seats.

Hordes of media persons from abroad were here to cover the historic win of the Trinamool Congress which fought the Assembly elections in alliance with the Congress.

The scene was in total contrast at Alimuddin Street, the CPI(M) party headquarters, as trends indicated a debacle for the Left Front after 34 years of uninterrupted rule.

CPI(M) sources said that the chief minister was with party leaders at the party headquarters.

Left Front chairman and CPI(M) state secretary, Mr Biman Bose, had yesterday asserted that the Front would secure nearly 200 of the 294 seats.

The Left Front would meet at 4:30 pm to review the election results.

The CPI(M) sources did not comment on the trends and said that most ministers were in the districts.