The Labour Bureau on Friday signed an agreement with Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd (BECIL) for providing technical and manpower support to the bureau in the conduct of All India Surveys on Migrant Workers & All India Quarterly Establishment-based Employment Survey (AQEES).

The surveys to be undertaken by the bureau will be integrated with the technology provided by BECIL, which will substantially reduce the time taken for completion of surveys by at least 30-40 per cent. The Labour Ministry has decided that the manpower engaged through the IT partner for supporting these surveys will be offered fixed term employment. It is a historic provision in the recent labour codes which will bestow various benefits on the workers engaged for a fixed term by treating them at par with permanent workers.

Highly useful

Commenting on the agreement, Labour Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar said that these surveys will prove highly useful and a game changer in providing the government with crucial data on migrant workers and the employment situation in formal and informal establishments.

Labour Secretary Apurva Chandra said: “The utility of any database lies in its accuracy and timeliness. I am sure that with use of technology, the bureau will achieve both greater accuracy and timeliness in data generated under these surveys.”

Speaking on the occasion, DPS Negi, Director General, Labour Bureau, informed that this year the bureau will launch and complete five All India surveys on migrant workers, domestic workers, AQEES, employment generated by professionals and employment generated in the transport sector. These All India surveys will generate enormous data for devising the right policies for employment and labour welfare.