Vijaya Bank to hold two-day Home Utsav 2011 in Bangalore on August 20 and 21. According to bank release, The bank's Bangalore Regions is organising the event at Koramangala Indoor Stadium and will be open from 10 am to 8 pm. Mr H.S. Upendra Kamath, Chairman and Managing Director, Vijaya Bank, will inaugurate on Saturday at 11 am.

Aswani launches affordable homes

Aswani Properties has launched affordable homes for families with a monthly income bracket of Rs 15,000 to Rs 30,000. In a release, Mr Anand Reddy, Director, said project titled Aswani Sitara is located at Chandapura near Electronic City, Hosur road and homes are priced at Rs 9,82,000 for a tw-bed rooms and Rs 15,38,000 for threee-bedrooms, these units redefine affordable housing.

CAC joins Anna bandwagon

Coalition Against Corruption (CAC) in association with other organisations is holding a march/demonstration on Sunday between 11 am and 1 pm to express our solidarity with the ongoing movement against corruption and for an effective Jan Lokpal Bill. CAC members are to gather at MS Buildings (Lokayukta's office) at 11 am and march to Freedom Park to address the gathering.

TiE visit to Tropicool Foods

The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) Hubli chapter organised a visit to Tropicool Food Private Ltd located in Hubli to understand the business and process followed in the company run by Mr Vivek Nayak.

Vodka flair challenge in Bangalore

Aspri Spirits to hold 2011 Skyy Vodka Global Flair Challenge in Bangalore on August 24 at Ista Hotel Bangalore, Ulsoor, 1/1 Swami Vivekananda Road between 1.30 pm and 6.00 pm. The event is to recognise the best bartenders who create cocktails with real flair. The competition will be held in New Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai from August 23 – 25 followed by a national finale on August 26 in Mumbai.

UAS-Dharwad's extension work Kuradikeri village

The University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad's Extension Education Unit conducted PRA programme in Kuradikeri village of Hubli taluk and Jigalur, Malali and Ramanakoppa villages of Kundagol taluk under the project ‘Empowerment of SC and ST farm households in Agro Climatic Zones of Northern Karnataka through Integrated Farming System approach recently. According to a release, Dr Syed Sadaqath, Professor and Extension Leader spoke about the IFS project and advised them to utilise the benefits under the project.