Scott McGregor, President and CEO of Broadcom Corporation, has said India and China are critically important markets for the US-based semiconductor company.

Speaking on the sidelines of the company’s Asia media summit held in Shanghai, China, he said India is one of the fastest growing markets for the company, especially with respect to research and development capabilities. “We have a long history of presence in both India and China. We have a lot of research and development investments in India and the Indian market is growing rapidly.” In India, the company has one of the largest research and development teams outside the US.

“Right now, we are partnering with a lot of Indian companies to roll out connectivity for all citizens whether it’s through wireless or cable. We are really excited about the way domestic Indian companies are moving forward in terms of technology and I see the Government really enabling a lot of these things,” McGregor said. The company is betting big on the Indian market, as by 2016, India is poised to be the world’s second largest mobile market. By 2017, it’s estimated to have 67 million LTE (long-term evolution, commonly marketed as 4G LTE) subscribers.

Rahul Patel, Vice-President-Marketing, Mobile and Wireless Group, Broadcom, said the company is closely working with some Indian phone-makers and broadband suppliers that are deploying in-home Wi-Fi capabilities.

He said bringing LTE in an affordable manner with the latest modem technologies is one of the focuses of Broadcom. “We are also focusing on bringing in the best wireless connectivity, through the 5G Wi-Fi. The other key focus is the Internet of Things.”The Internet of Things is referred to a world in which devices and appliances are so interconnected that they can communicate with each other.

“Not just from the end-market point of view, but also from the R&D point of view, I think it’s a big opportunity for the Indian engineering community,” Patel added.

The company is also betting big on its WICED (wireless internet connectivity for embedded devices) platform, which supports developers to enable Wi-Fi connectivity in consumer devices.


Talking about the ongoing cable TV digitisation, Daniel Marotta, Executive Vice-President and General Manager of Broadband Communications Group, Broadcom, said the company sees huge opportunities in the segment. The company has been working with leading Direct-to-Home (DTH) players and now tapping into opportunities in the cable TV sector in India.

Marotta said Broadband has developed a special chip for the cable TV companies and at present, is engaging with the big cable TV players. “India is a big growth market and we developed specific chips for the market to develop cost-effective solutions for the players, as the average revenue per user is not very high,” he added.