Broadband and wireless communications service company Verizon Enterprise Solutions has said the Internet of Things (IoT) will gain momentum in 2015 as small and medium business markets will take to services through devices and gadgets that are connected to the Web. Some large organisations that were not early adopters too would come on board.

Enhanced tools in cloud computing, big data and analytics — combined with more rigour on IoT cybersecurity — will begin to decrease machine-to-machine complexity.

Chris Formant, Verizon Enterprise Solutions’ global President, said CIOs will refocus on the fundamentals in 2015, securely embedding innovation in their global network in order to make sense of big data outputs and fuel business growth.

Releasing technology trend predictions for next year, he said enterprises would concentrate on strategic network and IT investments in 2015.

“The growing demands of data, cloud, video and mobile solutions require enterprise networks to become more agile and scalable, without compromising performance,” he said.

Verizon said other key trends include the growing importance of predictive analytics, harnessing data to offer insights into how products and services would be received. Adoption of cloud would further increase and focus on tackling cyber crime too would get attention in 2015.

“Device proliferation, machine-to-machine connections, an increasingly complex threat landscape and extended computing environments will make network security more complex than ever in 2015,” the firm felt.

A holistic, integrated, multi-layer security strategy will be critical for mitigating risk and establishing trust between devices, networks, people and systems, it said here in a statement on Wednesday.