The Karnataka government is working on a policy to promote innovation in the animation sector and will announce it in October.

“We will announce the policy for innovation in animation and gaming during BangaloreIT event starting October 18,” Mr M.N. Vidyashankar, Secretary, Department of Information Technology, Bio-technology and Science and Technology, told PTI. The announcement of this policy will be followed by one on innovation in IT hardware and software technology.

“Details of innovation centre for IT hardware and software will be announced in November,” Mr Vidyashankar said.

Collectively the state government is planning to set-up four innovation centres in the State namely nano technology, bio-technology, animation and IT.

“The Indian Institute of Nano Sciences will come with federal funding. The construction of this innovation centre has already started,” he said.

The nano science and bio-technology innovation centre is being set-up with an investment of Rs 150 crore and Rs 125 crore, respectively.

Details of the investment for animation and IT innovation centres will be announced with the policy.

While the government will invest in these innovation centres, the intellectual property rights (IPRs) of technology developed under these policies will be owned by developers of the technology.

During the ongoing financial year, the State Government will separately infuse Rs 50 crore in academics to promote research and development to generate IPRs in the country in collaboration with the industry.