Pune-based IT consulting and solutions integration company Nihilent Technologies has acquired 51 per cent stake in Intellect Bizware, a Mumbai-based specialist in SAP consulting and services.

With this acquisition, which will add 200 people to its existing 1,300-odd strong workforce, Nihilent aims to consolidate its capabilities in ERP consulting & implementation, business process optimisation and software product development.

This is Nihilent’s second acquisition in the last one year and follows that of US-based BI and analytics solution provider, GNET in October last year.

LC Singh, Vice-Chairman and CEO, Nihilent, said, “The Intellect acquisition will not only help us in enhancing our value proposition to our existing customers, but will also enable to build up our readiness in serving domestic customers.”

“In this era of digital marketing and sales coupled with the Internet of Things and SMAC, ERP systems have increasing role among enterprises more than ever,” Minoo Dastur, President and COO, added.

Intellect is one the largest domestic SAP practices in India, and in 2013 was among the top three finalists for the Technosavvy SME at the Emerging India Awards.