Infosys whistleblower Mr Jay Palmer has ruled out an out of court settlement if his company denies any wrong doing.

Mr Palmer’s attorney Mr Kenneth J Mendelsohn of Jemison & Mendelsohn told Business Line over phone that his client’s case will be taken to trial if Infosys insists that it has committed no mistake during the mediation conference (out of court settlement) as directed by the federal judge.

He also pointed out that since December 2011, his client as well as his family have not received any death threat. “Since the US authorities offered to give Mr Jay Palmer protection, he has not received any death threats (over email) but is still angry over the fact that he is on the bench and the company continues hiring,” he added.

According to Mr Mendelsohn, he received four death threats in retaliation against a lawsuit he filed against Infosys alleging victimisation for blowing the whistle on what he called the company’s practice of repeatedly violating business visitor visas.

If the case is not settled in the mediation conference, it will go to trial in August. Infosys had termed the mediation conference as ‘standard procedure’.

Mr Mendelsohn said he was making preparations for the case to go on trial but he said there are a lot of issues which needs to be tackled first like identifying witnesses.

The issue of visa irregularity first came to light in May last year, when Infosys was subpoenaed by a grand jury in connection with the lawsuit filed by Mr Palmer.
