Canadian manufacturer of BlackBerry, RIM, today suggested it has not given the Indian government access to its secure corporate email and messaging services as it does not possess encryption keys to it.

“RIM cannot provide access to secure encrypted BlackBerry enterprise communications.

“RIM is providing an appropriate lawful access solution that enables India’s telecom operators to be legally compliant with respect to their BlackBerry consumer traffic, to the same degree as other smartphone providers in India, but this does not extend to secure BlackBerry enterprise communications,” Research in Motion (RIM) said in a statement.

The company had been at loggerheads with the government in the past on the issue of providing access to its enterprise email and messaging services. The company has maintained that RIM itself does not possess the encryption keys for the same and that the same remains in the control of its clients.

“As we have stated on several occasions, and as we have set out in our company’s Lawful Access Principles, RIM cannot access information encrypted through BlackBerry Enterprise Server as RIM is not ever in possession of the encryption keys,” it said seeking to clarify media reports in this regard.

RIM had given the Indian government access to its consumer services, including its Messenger services, in January last year after security concerns.

There were security concerns that the encrypted BlackBerry services could be used by terrorists.