Former liquor baron Vijay Mallya’s twitter account has been hacked by a group which calls itself as Legion.

It is the same group which allegedly hacked Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi twitter account as well as that of the party.

In a series of tweets, Legion said it was disclosing Mallya’s passwords as well as the details of his assets. Mallya reacted immediately claiming that he was being blackmailed and added “what a joke.’’ Mallya also tweeted that his account has been hacked by someone called Legion who are tweeting in my name. Simply ignore. Will fix this.

One of the tweets from Legion said, “you have not been forgotten. New Year, if you catch all of us by then, you might be able to save your party.”

The group also sent out another tweet which said Mallya’s bank accounts, passport details and offshore investments had also been put in the public domain. But clicking on the link provided by the tweets did not lead to any further links or documents.

Another tweet said: “This is just a partial dump. More data will be coming over the course of a few days. We are legion. Do not XXXX with us.”

There was another one which sounded more like a threat: Legion will find you, hack you, expose you. Do you really want to XXXX with us.

Mallya owes nearly ₹9,000 crore to various banks and has repeatedly been declared a proclaimed offender by several courts. Last month, a prevention of money laundering act court declared him as an absconder. Mallya is currently based out of UK and has said that he fears that he will not get a fair trial if he returns to India.