Spot rubber regained strength in the absence of genuine sellers on Monday. RSS-4 improved to ₹126.50 (126) a kg, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade firmed up to ₹123.50 (123), according to dealers.

In futures, the November contracts firmed up to ₹126.50 (126.42), December to ₹126.85 (125.63) and January to ₹128.70 (127.05) per kg on the NMCE.

RSS-3 (spot) closed marginally higher at ₹105.50 (105.44) a kg at Bangkok. The November futures firmed up to ₹109.14 (107.77) a kg on the TOCOM.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) follow: RSS-4: 126.50 (126); RSS-5: 123.50 (123); ISNR 20: 107.50 (107) and Latex (60% drc): 82.50 (82.50)