RateGain Travel Technologies Ltd (RateGain), a global provider of SaaS solutions for travel and hospitality, has announced the launch of a unified rate insights platform Navigator to track demand, monitor competition, and fix parity issues in a single window.

As per the company’s statement, the navigator leverages advanced analytics and AI capabilities, empowering commercial teams with three capabilities: demand navigator to predict accurate demand, identify source markets and analyse demand trends; rate navigator to identify optimal pricing strategies; and parity navigator to monitor rate parity and track violations across channels.

Bhanu Chopra, Founder and Managing Director, RateGain Travel Technologies, said, “With Navigator, we are providing the revenue team managers with a holistic solution that addresses their evolving needs. We understand that they require more than just rates to achieve increased RevPAR. Navigator bridges this gap by offering unparalleled intel and helping them navigate through complex market dynamics.”

RateGain Travel Technologies stock fell 3.02 per cent on the NSE, trading at ₹776.30.