Shares of Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd rise by 20 per cent daily limit to ₹238.85. Medical and health service provider posts a five-fold jump in March-quarter consolidated profit. Total revenue rises 15 per cent.

The stock of Nayarana Hrudayalaya closed higher by 13.73 per cent at ₹227.45.

Overseas facility in Cayman Islands grew at 35 per cent in operating revenues for Q4, leading it to more than double its operational EBITDA, Emmanuel Rupert, group CEO said in a statement.

The stock posts its highest level since November 2018. Meanwhile, the shares are up 2 per cent this year, while peer Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd is lower by 7 per cent, Fortis Healthcare Ltd has fallen 10.7 per cent, as of last close.