The RBI Governor, Dr D. Subbarao, has appealed to the banks to conduct town hall events in the local language.

“Every bank should conduct a Town Hall event in a chosen State entirely in the local language. In this regard, they may coordinate with Reserve Bank’s Customer Service Department and Department of Communication to draw up a programme. This will be our collective effort to reach out to people in their own language,” he said while awarding Rajbhasha shields at Mumbai last week.

He said that the RBI had been conducting such meetings in Tier-II cities. He pointed to the different set of concerns reflected in the questions that were in Hindi, reflecting middle class anxieties and aspirations. “The grievances they bring about are different, more common and more intractable. Listening to these questions in Hindi and attempting to answer them has been a great learning experience for me and for the Deputy Governors of RBI,” the Governor said.