About a quarter of total complaints received by the banking ombudsman in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in 2014-15 were related to ATM/debit and credit card transactions.

Out of total 4,366 complaints received by the ombudsman, 25.4 per cent were related to non-dispensation of cash from ATM, disputed online transactions and abnormal charges, among others, N Krishna Mohan, Banking Ombudsman, told news persons here on Wednesday.

There was also increase in the number of complaints on wrong Cibil scores and lack of updation of credit history data by banks.

"The total number of complaints had decreased by 2.48 per cent in the last financial year compared to the previous year. This indicated better resolution at the branch level,’’ he said.

The share of complaints from rural and semi urban areas had increased in absolute number by 13 per cent and 12 per cent, respectively. This was a pointer to increasing awareness about the banking ombudsman facility.

State Bank of India and its associates accounted for the major share of 41 per cent of complaints received, while public sector banks, as a class, accounted for almost there fourths of the total complaints on account of their extensive branch network.

During the year under review, 441 conciliation meetings were organised and 36 per cent of maintainable complaints were amicably resolved through mediation of conciliation.