The 10-day-old strike at Kerala Gramin Bank, a leading regional rural bank (RRB), has been resolved after a conciliatory meeting called by State Finance Minister Thomas Isaac and Labour Minister TP Ramakrishnan.

The indefinite hunger strike in front of the bank headquarters in Malappuram has also been called off, an official spokesman for the action committee said here.

Bank Chairman Nagesh G Vaidya; General Managers Govind Harinarayanan and S Pavithran; and Deputy Labour Commissioner S Thulasidharan, along with representatives of employee unions, attended the meeting.

It was mutually agreed that no punitive action would be taken against the striking employees who, on their part, have committed to extend wholehearted support for improving the overall service delivery.

The unions had flagged the pending issue of recruitment to fill the vacancies of peons cadre as well as regularisation of daily wage workers. As per the settlement reached on Wednesday, 329 such vacancies identified in 2016 would be reviewed afresh.

The board’s approval will be sought within three months and recruitment process set in motion subsequently. Union representatives will be sounded out before finalising the scheme and the strategy to be followed in the recruitments.

According to the spokesman, vacancies have been reported from 410 out of the 633 branches and 10 regional offices of the bank, which are currently being served by just 257 permanent employees.