Public sector Indian Bank on Monday said Padmaja Chunduru has assumed charge as its Managing Director and CEO with immediate effect. Earlier, she served State Bank of India as its deputy managing director (global markets), Mumbai, a press release said here. Chunduru succeeds Kishor Kharat.

Recently, the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi had cleared the appointment of 10 MDs and CEOs of public sector banks, including the appointment of Chunduru, along with her colleague, Mrutyunjay Mahapatra, who has been appointed as MD and CEO of Syndicate Bank, the release said.

An alumnus of Andhra University, Chunduru joined the public sector State Bank of India as a probationary officer, it said. In her three-decade career, she has served in the credit management, retail operations, digital banking, treasury and international operations, it added.