The Advertising Club, Bangalore’s Big Bang Awards 2018 for excellence in creative and media, has received a record number of 1,150 entries, making it the biggest edition in its 23-year history.

The annual awards have emerged as an industry hall-mark. This year, the awards will be held with the theme of “#For The Love Of Advertising” and will be held on September 28 at The Ritz Carlton Hotel with galaxy of advertising professionals attending the event.

The Ad-Industry which has seen a robust 12 per cent plus growth in the last decade has seen emergence of new brands and young professionals in the sector. This is ratified by the over 1,150 entries to the forthcoming Big Bang 2018 awards, submitted by over 90 advertising agencies / clients from across India, mainly from Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi. This year over 46 prominent advertising professionals would judge the entries.

“We are celebrating Big Bang this year with the theme of “# For The Love Of Advertising”. We believe that the shine has gone out of traditional advertising and we want, in our small way, to try and bring it back, in spite of the sweeping changes wreaked by digital. We are looking at a year-long campaign, starting with Big Bang, to celebrate some of the iconic work in the past, award the best current work and discuss and debate the future of our beloved industry,” said Malavika Harita, Chairperson of Big Bang Awards.

As the advertising industry continues to grow, a shift in the advertising spaces with new opportunities and newer challenges seems to be emerging. The Big Bang Awards also has lined up interactions with Ad-and Marketing Gurus like Hemant Malik, CEO ITC Foods, Raj Nayak , CEO Colors Viacom 18, Ad-man and Film-maker R Balki.

The Advertising Club Bangalore in association with Ananda Vikatan Group, its Multimedia Partner for Big Bang Awards, in a Public Service initiative introduced the “Issued in Public Interest” a new category under which the Social Messaging campaigns will be recognized by the jury.

The Advertising Club has received 53 creatives as entries for Public Service as well. “When it comes to Public Interest, it’s a challenge to categorize which is better. While we will award one Gold Trophy to the winner based on the Jury Scores, We will feature all the entries on our Website, as a good will gesture,” Arvind Kumar, Executive Director Advertising Club, Bangalore.

In the last two decades Bangalore, which has emerged as the key Advertising hub of South India, has become home to several international and national agencies. Apart from this several home-grown agencies have also made a mark, making Bangalore the No 2 city for advertising talent after Mumbai.