‘Team Anveshak’ from IIT Madras has won the Indian Rover Challenge (IRC) 2019, which was conducted at the Manipal Institute of Technology on January 9-12.

‘AGH Space Systems’ from AGH University of Science & Technology, Poland, secured the second position, and ‘IUT Mars Rover’ from Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh, won the third place.

Second edition

The second edition of IRC was organised by Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) with support from the US-based Mars Society for technical guidance. Five Indian teams and five from overseas took part in the challenge.

A press release said here that the international rover competition – IRC – challenges students to design and build next-generation Mars rovers and compete in Mars-simulated conditions.

Motivating students

It seeks to engage students worldwide in the next phase of space exploration. The IRC aims to ignite and encourage the spirit of innovation amongst budding engineers as they set on a quest to build a space exploration rover.