The crucial meeting of the Samyukt Kisan Morcha's (SKM) general body will begin at Singhu Border around 12 pm on Thursday. Here are five major points that are likely to be discussed by the protesting farmers.

1. The Centre's official statement adopting the draft circulated to SKM on Wednesday is expected by noon. The general body will discuss this official document and will adopt a resolution supporting it.

2.The farmers are likely to announce a victory day as almost all of their demands, including unconditional withdrawal of all cases, was accepted by the Centre. The farmers had started distributing sweets on Wednesday itself but stopped it after the tragic death of Chief of Defence Forces Bipin Rawat. They may, however, hold a victory procession on Friday or Saturday.

3. There are pending demands such as a law for MSP and withdrawal of all draft amendments to Electricity Act. The farmers had also voiced against the proposed Banking Reforms Bill. The Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand missions to defeat the BJP in the upcoming elections are not yet called off. So, farmer leaders from Uttar Pradesh and Opposition parties may still want to keep the momentum of the protests particularly in Uttar Pradesh. The demand for resignation of Minister of State for Home Ajay Mishra has also not been addressed. So, farmers may announce going to villages by raising such demands.

4. Farmers may also support the general strike announced by the ten Central Trade Unions against National Monetisation Pipeline, privatisation of PSUs and such economic issues. The effort is to keep the platform of SKM intact and hold joint conventions with workers against the policies of various States and the Centre.

5. The logistics of removing all the tents, tractors and trolleys from the three main protest sites – Singhu, Tikri and Ghazipur – will also be worked out on Thursday. There are thousands of people and farm vehicles camped at these protest sites. Farmers had started removing the tents on Wednesday itself.