All of India’s aggressive diplomatic efforts to become an official member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) seem to have gone in vain even as some countries like Switzerland did a last minute U-turn.


As the NSG Annual Plenary meeting came to a close in Seoul, India’s hopes of becoming a member of the elite 48-nation nuclear club seemed to have been sealed.


In a surprise turn of events, it was Switzerland that opposed India’s entry into the grouping, apart from China, Brazil, New Zealand, Turkey and Ireland, among others.


Interestingly, it was just few days back that Switzerland had assured India of its support when Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited that country on June 6.


“I am also thankful to the President for Switzerland's understanding and support for India's membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group,” Modi had said after meeting Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann.


Meanwhile, China stuck to its guns and pointed towards adherence to basic principles of entering the NSG. It stressed on India’s non-NPT status for not being allowed to enter NSG.


China said it hoped India signs the NPT now. China also made it clear that it did not support Pakistan’s membership bid either, as both countries have not signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).


Surprisingly, it was Brazil that also voted against India on the first day of the plenary meeting.


However, countries that supported India’s entry were the US, France, the UK, Mexico and Japan, among others.