After sharing the dais with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee refused to deliver a speech at Victoria Memorial after people present there chanted ‘Jai Shree Ram’ slogans.

Banerjee did not walk out of the venue but made her displeasure felt, clearly pointing out that she was “insulted”.

She refused to deliver a speech and countered the chants with a ‘Jai Hind’ slogan.

“This is a Government programme and there must be some decorum and discipline here. You cannot call people and insult them. I am not saying anything (referring to her speech),” she said and went back to her seat.

Prime Minister Modi and Chief Minister Banerjee were sharing the dais at an event to celebrate the 125th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Bose. This was a Central Government programme, to which the Chief Minister was invited.

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