The Opposition in the Kerala Assembly sought to confront the Finance Minister, KM Mani, with evidence in an alleged case of bribery involving him and a bar owner.

But Deputy Speaker N Sakthan warned the Deputy Leader of Opposition, Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, that he cannot table any evidence without the Speakers’ permission.

Adjournment motion

Earlier, piloting an adjournment motion, Balakrishnan managed to convince Sakthan, who was in Chair, that the House stop the business to discuss the bribery charge.

He produced a CD which he claimed contained related visuals depicting the handover of money in two tranches at 6.30 am on April 2 at the Minister’s official residence.

On being warned by the Deputy Speaker, he demanded that the Government order a probe into the matter in which its Finance Minister has not exactly covered himself with glory.

The probe should also examine the trail of phone calls made by office-bearers of the bar association and also conduct an audit of their bank accounts.

KB Ganesh Kumar, an MLA from the ruling coalition, must be allowed as requested by him to reveal what he has to say in the matter on the floor of the House.

CM's stance

Last, but not the least, the probe should also seek to find out why the Chief Minister, Oommen Chandy, has overtly been trying to shield the Finance Minister.

Kodiyeri also demanded that the Government table the minutes of the Cabinet meeting that discussed the new excise policy to clear the air on who spoke for and against the controversial policy stand that aims at prohibition in phases.

Earlier, he had alleged that the driver of the car bearing registration number KL01B 7878 had delivered Rs 15 lakh in cash at Mani’s official residence here.

He was followed by two others who handed over Rs 35 lakh, he said, even as the Finance Minister listened out to him keenly from his seat in the Treasury Benches.