An official mission from Malaysia led by Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Government of Malaysia visited the Rubber Board to learn the activities of the Board in extension, research and other areas.

Sheela Thomas, Chairman, Rubber Board received them at Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII),

The mission was accompanied by Dato Henry Sum Agong (Member of Parliament, Malaysia), Datuk Naimun Ashakli Mohammad (High Commissioner of Malaysia in India), Salmiah Ahmad, Director General Malaysian Rubber Board and senior officials from the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities and Malaysian Rubber Board.

Sheela Thomas made a presentation about the NR scenario in India.

J Thomas, Rubber Production Commissioner; James Jacob, Director, RRII; C Kuruvilla Jacob, Director, Rubber Training Institute; N Rajagopal, Director, Processing & Product Development; MG Sathees Chandran, Dy Director, Publicity & Public Relations; Jome Jacob, Deputy Director, Statistics & Planning, among others participated in the discussions.