The Union Ministries of Commerce and External Affairs, along with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), is organising an outreach programme here on Friday at Taj Gateway to focus on business opportunities in the CIS Region.

The programme aims to create a platform to discuss the opportunities and challenges of business fraternity from Kerala in doing business with the CIS countries. CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) is a regional organisation of former Soviet Republics, formed after the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Ajay Bisaria, Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, will make presentations on India’s focus on CIS policy and Ravi Capoor, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, will discuss India’s trade with CIS countries and opportunities in key sectors. Ruslan Akhmet, Charge d’ Affairs, Embassy of Kazakhstan in New Delhi, will attend.

The two ministries along with FICCI had organised three such outreach programmes in Srinagar, Bangalore and Ludhiana last year.

As the overall business engagement with CIS countries has remained below potential, FICCI in partnership with the ministries would like to sensitise the Indian companies in select states about the business potential of the CIS region. They will be encouraged to engage in a more comprehensive manner with the CIS.

Doing business with CIS does have its challenges and structural problems. Lack of information on the existing opportunities, logistical problems, language barrier, concerns over getting payment etc have discouraged Indian companies from looking at CIS seriously. The outreach programme will address these specific issues, a press release said.