Expressing concern over the continuing ceasefire violations along the international border in Jammu & Kashmir and the Line of Control (according to the Defence Minister’s latest statement), leading to large-scale civilian casualties, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has called for an all-party meeting.

“The Central Government should immediately convene an all-party meeting to apprise the country about what exactly is the situation along the border with Pakistan,” it said in a release, adding that the seriousness of the situation can be gauged by the appeal for calm by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

The party said national security and relations with neighbouring countries had consistently been above politics and successive Governments had followed a policy of political consensus.

However, the Narendra Modi Government’s policy towards Pakistan has been inconsistent, it said, citing instances of the “so called saree-shawl diplomacy to the abrupt cancellation of Foreign Secretary-level talks”.

“It is disappointing that these moves indicate lack of clarity in thought and the knee-jerk reactions do not augur well for the country’s diplomacy,” AAP said, calling for a well thought out consensus within the country to deal sensibly with the situation, without falling into the trap of jingoism.